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QtGnome Make QT application more Gnome-like
Instalace potřebného software
Jako první potřebujeme nainstalovat qt3-qtconfig, abychom mohli měnit styly:
sudo apt-get install qt3-qtconfig
Nyní nainstalujeme Polymer QT Theme (Vypadá jako Gnome clearlooks): Přidáme následující řádek do souboru /etc/apt/sources.list:
sarge (stable)→hoary:
deb http://www.informatik.tu-cottbus.de/~mkrause/debian sarge main
etch (testing) / sid (unstable)→breezy:
deb http://www.informatik.tu-cottbus.de/~mkrause/debian sid main
Spustíme následující příkazy:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install polymer
Balíčky pro Debian vytváří a spravuje Mathias Krause. [Stránky projektu Polymer http://static.int.pl/~mig21/dev/polymer/]
If you want to use a font like Trebuchet we need to install msstcorefonts:
sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts
If you want to use XlinSans (What I personaly prefer and also use in my gnome system):
wget ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/altlinux/Master/2.4/ALTLinux/RPMS.main/dmtr40in-fonts-1.0-alt2.noarch.rpm sudo alien -d dmtr40in-fonts-1.0-alt2.noarch.rpm sudo dpkg -i dmtr40in-fonts_1.0-1_all.deb
if you don't have alien install it via: sudo apt-get install alien.
Let's configure it:
You can make for example the following changes:
-Default Font- Family: Trebuchet MS Style: Normal Point Size: 10
or chosse „XLinSans“!
Click on the Library Paths tab. In the input-box at the bottom enter
then click add, save it and restart and choose polymer as GUI Style and save it again.
Now we configure the polymer theme:
Down around the bottom you'll see KDE Style Settings, change the Transparency Engine to Software Tint and then close the application and save it.
For even more KDE tweaking you can play around with kcontrol.
Thanks: [FLeiXiuS http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56630&page=1&pp=10]